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The MarchWhat's for Dinner?Martin F. Melhus |
So there we are, all suffering from some awful ache and illness from the gunk
that spewed out of the chest. We sat and thought about how to make it get
better, and finally decided that the best thing would be to sit around for a
while and rest.
Four weeks later, we're all fit as leopards, and itchin to fight (well, Nancy
was itchin to march, but she's a bit strange in the head, being a bug and
all.) So we decide to follow Nancy, as she
really is convinced of the right way to go, (and since she could kick any one
of us into next month, she gets to do what she wants.)
After marching for some time, we chanced upon some dwarves that had a
decidedly suicidal bent (an admirable trait in a dwarf, and one that our
little camp follower seems lacking in.) So, having no steep cliffs nearby to
hurl themselves off of, they attacked us, and got spanked bigtime. The black
flit (Liarthra, if you care,) decided to save their lower spine bits (coccyx,
she says it's called, if you care.) The little turd (Funbar, even though I
know you don't care,) complained that it was cruel to cut up other dwarves in
front of him. Welcome to the real world, runt. I offered to let him join his
fellow dwarves, and he whimpered something pathetic. (Actually, Funbar had no problems with the cruel treatment of the other dwarves. "I hate dwarves!" he said. Ed.)
So we continued following the bug, and then we met up with this big one eyed
thing. He said that to pass, we needed a dragon's tooth. I tried the fake
map scam on him, talking about a secret entrance over there, but he didn't buy
it, and tried to squish me. I was ready for that, though, and scrammed.
So we headed into this cave thing. I lit a torch, and then realized that we
could all see fine in the dark, so I went to warm up the little turd with it,
but he got his stubby butt away, so I just put it out. In the cave we found 6
skeletons of human types, and the black flit took the toes off. Then the cave
opened into a corridor, with these huge heads carved in the sides. As we
passed the heads, they started singing in some wacked out language. Probably
telling everyone inside just who we were and all that.
After the head corridor, we came to a room with some bodies in it. They had
just had a fight, and still had stuff on them. The little turd took the mace,
and named it t0. The black flit took the two javelins, naming them Arlin and
Sentra. I'll never understand those odd races. What's wrong with calling
them mace, javelin and javelin? We cleaned the stuff off the bodies, and with
the little turd using the mace, I arranged to use his sword. He made a lot of
stupid noise about giving him something, and had me write a meaningless
contract. What an idiot.
Then we encountered some ghouls with nets. I killed one, and was then badly
wounded. Nancy fought 3, and killed them all, and the black flit got out of
the net and fought well also. The little turd managed to stop a few blows
from a ghoul before the others saved his shrunken little head. He quaffed a
potion to get better. The ghouls also had 6 potions, so one was poured down
my throat, with no noticeable effect (it made me run a bit slower, but they
couldn't tell that.) The turd drank one, and became invulnerable to diseases
(like that will save his sorry hide.)
We then decided to chat with the hanging skull there. It asked us if we
worshipped the prince of the undead N'Egla Naminore? Naturally we told it
yes, and went through the doors. Inside was a temple (duh) that had lots of
broken statues. The head of one landed on the little turd, and I laughed so
hard I poked a tooth through my lip. The little runt deserved it. The black
flit was scoping the big statue in the front when it started to chase her.
But having no legs, it wasn't that speedy, and we were all able to run away
from it (even the little turd's tiny legs were fast enough to keep him from
his eventual fate, for now at least.) So we scooted into the sacrifice room,
that had a big pit full of water in it. Told the runt to go swimming, but he
didn't obey.
There was also an 18 foot long blue box. We opened the box to find a dragon's
head, full of teeth. So we lugged it out to old one-eye, and kept following
the bug.
We finally arrived at the dragon claw marts school, and decided to train there
for eight years or so. Nancy claimed one of the potions, while i drank two
more. One gave me super fast healing, and the other made me more surly and
nasty (two good ones.) The runt had another, and got stupid and ugly (but we
couldn't tell, really, because he was so dumb already.)
Anyway, I'm really excited to learn this stuff. My human discipline and
orcish reckless abandon are a perfect compliment to this fighting style. Plus
I get to kick that little turd's greasy hindquarters three times a week. I
think he's getting bored with that, so I should let someone else spank him for
a month or so.
Well, that's probably all that you care about. Until next time, keep eatin 'em before theys eatins youze.