(Pre-Release 2020/02/01) Magical Tomes: Magical tomes are heavy, 100 page, ancient books. It is not necessary to be proficient in the language written, since the words themselves are magical, however literacy in the reader’s native tongue is required. It takes 10 uninterrupted days to read a tome, at the end of which time the book’s magic will take effect. A character will only gain the book’s magic once only, no matter how many times it is read. Tomes are delicate. At the end of the reading, roll 1d6. On any roll other than a 6, the book disintegrates. There are spells and ritual to lower the chance of this happening. Tomes are either rare or legendary, and quite expensive. A magician will be able to identify the book’s function by opening the book and reading the first page. Tome of Brawn: Gain 1d3 points of Strength. Tome of Vigor: Gain 1d3 points of Constitution. Tome of Mass: Gain 1d3 points of Size. Tome of Brilliance: Gain 1d3 points of Intelligence. Tome of Will Power: Gain 1d3 points of Power. Tome of Agility: Gain 1d3 points of Dexterity. Tome of Charm: Gain 1d3 points of Charisma. Tome of Scholarship: Gain 1d3 points of Education. Tome of Toughness: Gain 1 point of protection, like armor. Tome of Life: Gain 1d3 points of Hit Points. Tome of Magic: Gain 1d3 points of Magic Points. Tome of (Skill): Gain 10% in a (type) skill. Tome of (Skill) Mastery: Gain (type) skill at 90%. Tome of (Spell): Gain knowledge of the (type) spell. Reader must have magical ability of appropriate rank in any type of magic. Tome of (Magic Type): Gain the ability of spell casting (type) at the first rank, including novice spells. Tome of (Talent): Gain the (type) talent. Cursed Tomes: Cursed tomes will generally appear to be a tome of another type. The reader will not know that they are reading a cursed tome instead of the masquerading type. Curses may be removed by appropriate magic. Tome of (type) Reduction: Masquerades as a book of the specified type, but instead of adding to (type), the statistic or skill decreases by the specified amount. Tome of (Race) Form: Reader changes shape and becomes a (type of race). Re-roll Strength, Size, and Constitution. All other statistics, knowledge, skills, and talents remain the same unless impossible in the new form. Tome of Sex Change: The reader changes physical form to the opposite sex of the same race. All statistics, etc. remain the same. Trapped Tomes: The trap is triggered when the cover is opened, even before reading. The cover closes immediately afterward, so no reading is even possible. Tome of Blasting: Upon opening the book, the reader is blasted with a bright flash of magical energy, for 3d6 points of damage directly against hit points. A special save on Pow reduces the damage by half. Tome of Blinding: Upon opening the book, the reader is blasted with a bright flash of magical energy and blinded permanently. A special save on Pow reduces the blindness to 1d6 hours. A regeneration of the eyes is required to restore sight. A curse removal has no effect. Tome of Shapechange: Upon opening the book, the reader is bathed in dark black energy. The reader is transformed into a small inoffensive creature, such as a mouse. The character has no control over the actions of the animal. (In a sense, the actual character is transported to a neutral dimension, and a mouse appears in their place.) There is no effect if a special save on Pow is successful. A curse removal will return the character to their normal form. Tome of Poison: Upon opening the book, the reader is bathed in dark black energy. The reader is cursed with a magical poison, which causes 1d6 hit points of damage every 10 minutes until dead. A magical poison removal or curse removal will cancel the effect.