Incantations: The majority of spells are incantations. These spells are cast in a single combat round, and usually require the speaking of magical words and magical hand symbols. Some also require physical components, which are often used up in the casting. An incantation will usually be cast at the beginning of a round, at the same time as missile combat. Although if charged by a melee combatant, a roll of Dex may be required to ascertain who acts first. Rituals: Rituals are like incantations in all ways except that they take an unbroken amount of time to cast, anywhere from 1 minute, to 10 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day, or even 20 days. Mentalisms: Mentalism spell are similar to incantations except that they can be cast without spoken word, hand symbols, or components. Most of these spells affect an opponent’s will, and generally require a Pow versus Pow roll to take effect. Reflexive Spells: This special class of spells can be cast with the speaking of a single word, and can be cast in response to an opponent’s attack. Unless cast during the magic/missile phase of the round, the caster forfeits their combat action on the following round, although it is possible to take another reflexive action, thereby forfeiting the next action again. These spells are usually defensive spells to protect against missile, melee attacks, or other spells, or as a means of escape. General Counter Magic Spells: Cancels incoming spell if total Pow (Pow plus any protective bonuses) beat or match the attacker’s total Pow (Pow plus any attacking bonuses). Reflective Counter Magic: Success deflects the magic to the nearest character. Special roll reflects it back on the caster.