
What's Glowing

Ah! What the hell is that?

d100 Roll Glow
1          alien machine
2          all seeing eye
3          avenging valkyrie
4          ball lightning
5          beating daemon heart
6          blazing shilting
7          brazier
8          burning cigar
9          chalice shaped beacon
10          coifer overflowing with gems
11          crackling static electricity
12          crystal ball
13          crystal egg
14          crystal pulsing with life energy
15          crystal skull
16          dagger of warning
17          diamond earring
18          diamond earrings
19          disco ball
20          dwarf miner with a candle burning on his hat
21          dying embers
22          ectoplasmic slime
23          eyes of a cat
24          eyes of a wolf pack
25          faerie in a jar
26          faeries flying about
27          farmer jones covered in gold paint
28          fiery breath of a dragon
29          fiery breath of a hellhound
30          fire ants
31          fire pixies
32          fireflies
33          fireflies in a jar
34          fireworks
35          flame daemon
36          flaming bat winged skull
37          flaming whip of a malrog
38          floating golden orb
39          floating hellish skull
40          floating jellyfish
41          floating silver orb
42          flying finged egg
43          giant clown face
44          giant icycles with veins of energy
45          glass crytsal walls
46          glass sphere
47          glow in the dark condum
48          golden apple
49          golden chalice
50          golden egg
51          green lichen on the walls
52          haunting spectre
53          heavenly avatar
54          heavenly hourglass
55          hot lava
56          hundreds of rats' eyes
57          ignome light gem
58          immortal godling
59          jacob's ladder
60          lavaman
61          leprechaun gold
62          lit candelobra
63          lit candle
64          lit lantern
65          lit torch
66          malrog
67          meteorite
68          mirrored walls
69          molten iron
70          oil lamp
71          phoenix
72          piece of moon rock
73          pile of marbles
74          pool of water
75          radioactive lobster
76          ray of sun
77          red hot poker
78          red icky thing
79          refrigerator with the door open
80          rune covered plynth
81          salamander
82          samite gown
83          scary yellow orb
84          shiny magick helmet
85          shiny magick sword
86          silver key
87          silver shield
88          smoldering shilting
89          sparklers
90          spinning hypnotic spiral
91          stardust
92          sundial of doom
93          totem animal
94          troll with a diamond studded tooth
95          twinkling stars
96          vision of paradise
97          will-o-the-wisp
98          wolf spirit
99          wraith
100          your own light reflected in a mirror

Copyright 2013, John Sasso. All rights reserved.