
City Buildings

They escape the guard by running into the nearest building, but that is only the beginning of the adventure. They have wandered into...

d100 Roll Building
1          apothecary
2          archery shop
3          arena
4          art dealer
5          artist's studio
6          bait shop
7          bakery
8          barber
9          bath house
10          blacksmith
11          bookseller
12          bowling alley
13          brewery
14          brothel
15          butcher shop
16          cannery
17          career counselor
18          carpenter
19          charity mission
20          cheese shop
21          civic meeting hall
22          cloth merchant
23          clothier
24          clothing cleaners
25          cobbler
26          coffee house
27          convalescent home
28          dentist
29          dyer
30          fish monger
31          fruit and vegetable market
32          furier
33          gambling hall
34          gem merchant
35          general store
36          gentleman's club
37          glass blower
38          grain and feed shop
39          guardhouse
40          guild hall
41          gypsy fortune teller
42          hall of records
43          hide out
44          horse sales
45          hostel
46          import/export
47          inn
48          jail
49          jeweler
50          leather shop
51          library
52          locksmith
53          magick shop
54          mason
55          midwifery
56          mill
57          money lender
58          multifamily housing block
59          museum
60          music shop
61          odd jobs
62          one family estate
63          one family house
64          one family shack
65          one person shack
66          opium den
67          pet shop
68          physicker
69          pie shop
70          plumber
71          pool hall
72          private school
73          pub
74          realtors
75          restaurant
76          roofer
77          royal estate
78          safe house
79          sausage maker
80          scribe
81          shipwright
82          slave auction
83          slave pits
84          smoke shop
85          social director
86          stables
87          tea house
88          temple
89          theatre
90          toiletries shop
91          toy shop
92          veterinarian
93          wagonwright
94          warehouse
95          weapon and armor shop
96          weapon training hall
97          weaver
98          wheelwright
99          wig shop
100          wine shop

Copyright 2013, John Sasso. All rights reserved.